Managing Layout and Positioning
In This Chapter
Understanding the box model
Positioning objects on a page
Floating elements
Using a layout generator
It’s time to start getting the details of how CSS helps you format a web page. In this chapter, we cover the important issue of how to position elements in a web page. We also discuss the two categories of elements where CSS is concerned. Finally, we show you an online tool that you can use to create complex website layouts easily.
If you need a refresher on CSS style rules and properties, read Chapter 12 (a high-level overview of CSS and how it works). Then you can return to this chapter and put CSS into action.
Managing Layout
You can use CSS to lay out your pages so that images and blocks of text
Appear exactly where you want them to.
Fit exactly within the amount of space you want them to occupy.
As is the case with every CSS ...
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