© Ted Hagos 2022
T. HagosBeginning IntelliJ IDEAhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7446-0_2

2. Creating and Running a Project

Ted Hagos1  
Makati, Philippines
What we’ll cover in this chapter is as follows:
  • Creating a project

  • Building it

  • Running it

The essential task you need to know is creating, building, and running projects in IntelliJ. That’s what we will do in this chapter.

When working with IntelliJ, you need to get used to the concept of a project because you can’t do much in IntelliJ without a project structure. If you want to build an application, you need to create a project and add the source codes (and other assets) to that project.

Building a Basic Java Project

If you haven’t launched IntelliJ yet, now is a good time to do so; when it’s ...

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