© Ted Hagos 2022
T. HagosBeginning IntelliJ IDEAhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7446-0_3

3. Project Files

Ted Hagos1  
Makati, Philippines
What we’ll cover in this chapter is as follows:
  • The IntelliJ module

  • The .idea folder

  • The out folder

  • The external libraries

In the previous chapter, we created a small project. It isn’t much, but it gave us a taste of project creation, compilation, and execution in IntelliJ. In this chapter, we’ll look closer at the files that make up an IntelliJ project.

Most IDEs that are advanced enough to do things beyond simple editing of source files will generate proprietary files that hold configuration, state, preferences, etc. IntelliJ isn’t an exception.

This chapter will look at some of the files that IntelliJ generates ...

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