© Kyle Richter and Beau G. Bolle 2022
K. Richter, B. G. BolleBeginning iOS Game Center and GameKithttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7756-0_1

1. Getting Started with GameKit and Game Center

Kyle Richter1  
Eagle River, AK, USA

Welcome to Beginning iOS Game Center and GameKit! This book is designed to walk you through the process of adding GameKit and Game Center functionality into your iOS, Mac, or Apple TV apps and games. It is centered around a sample game built for iOS that you will be introduced to later in this chapter. You will find that most of the instructions are universal between platforms; however, if there is specific behavior for a platform other than iOS, they will be called out in the text.

If you have an existing app or game that ...

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