Chapter 11
Making Your App Reliable and Secure
In This Chapter
Applying nonfunctional requirements to iOS apps
Making your app robust in the face of failure
Making your application secure
The approach and effort required to create an Objective-C program for personal use or for a small prototype app for limited distribution are very different than they are for developing an app for consumer or enterprise use. All apps must deliver the expected functionality; however, consumer and enterprise apps must deliver this functionality with as close to 24/7 reliability as possible. These apps must also be secure; that is, they should prevent unauthorized or malicious users from gaining access to their services, and they must protect all valuable data.
This chapter focuses on reliability and security and shows you ways to meet these two nonfunctional requirements. I discuss two aspects of reliability: how to test your app to eliminate as many bugs as possible and how to design your app so that it remains stable during changing circumstances, such as when other apps try to take over or when the device’s capabilities fail (for example, networking failures). I then get into how to systematically ...
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