

  1. Accelerometer

    1. axes, graphic representation

    2. core motion manager

SeeCore motion
  1. definition

  2. directional controller

SeeDirectional controller
  1. g-forces

  2. vs . gyroscope

  3. results

  1. Accessory icons

  2. Action sheets

  3. addObserver(_:selector:name:object:)

  4. AppDelegate

  5. append() method

  6. App ID to co.myCo

  7. Apple’s Development Center resources site

  8. Apple’s iCloud service

    1. app configuration

    2. calculateGridForSize() method

    3. chooseColor() method

    4. controller’s navigation

    5. data source methods

    6. document storage, UIDocument

    7. document.undoManager()

    8. iOS devices

    9. iPad

    10. and macOS applications

    11. masterToDetail

    12. powerful tools

    13. prepareWithInvocationTarget() method

    14. segmented control

    15. TinyPixView.swift

    16. toggleSelectedBlock ()method

    17. touchesBegan(_:withEvent:)

    18. touchesMoved(_:withEvent:)

    19. UIDocument class

    20. UIView subclass

  9. application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) ...

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