© Peter Späth 2021
P. SpäthBeginning Java MVC 1.0https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6280-1_2

2. Prerequisite: Jakarta EE/Java EE

Peter Späth1 
Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany

You can’t run Java MVC in a standalone mode. Instead, it must be accompanied by the infrastructure a Java Enterprise Edition Server (Java EE or Jakarta EE) provides. We talk about what this means in this chapter.

The Nature of Java for Enterprise Applications

In a corporate environment, a programming language and software platform like Java has to cover a couple of needs that are important to run a business. It has to be able to connect to one or more databases, reliably establish communication with other IT-based systems in the same company or with connected businesses, and it has ...

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