A.8. Chapter 8
A.8.1. Exercise 1 solution
In Xcode, add the following method to SlideShowWindowController.m's PrivateMethods category:
- (void)tableDoubleClick:(id)sender;
Set the table view's double-click action using the following line of code. You need to add this line to SlideShowWindowController's windowDidLoad method.
[mTableView setDoubleAction:@selector(tableDoubleClick:)];
Normally, double-clicking a row in a table view begins an editing session; this is a common way of changing contents in a table view. If the rows in a table view aren't editable, the table view sends a double-click action along the responder chain. NSTableView doesn't have a double-click action by default, so you must supply one if you are interested in handling double-clicks. The double-click action otherwise behaves just like an NSControl instance's action.
Define the following tableDoubleClick: method in SlideShowWindowController's Table View Support section.
- (void)tableDoubleClick:(id)sender { int row = [sender clickedRow]; if (row != −1) { Slide *slide = [[self document] slideAtIndex:row];
NSString *path = [slide filePath]; [[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] openDocumentWithContentsOfFile:path display:YES]; } }
The NSDocumentController singleton class is responsible, among other things, for keeping track of the kinds of documents your application is capable of opening. You can ask the NSDocumentController to open a file at a specific path. If the application is capable of displaying ...
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