Chapter 13

App Stores


  • Creating icons for your app
  • Creating a splash screen for your app
  • Preparing screenshots
  • Preparing app metadata
  • Understanding App Store terms and conditions
  • Building and submitting an iPhone app
  • Building and submitting an Android app

It is finally time to release your app to the world! For both the iPhone and Android platforms, you register with an online portal to submit and manage your apps. You have to follow specific technical requirements and procedures to produce app binary packages that users can install. This chapter takes you through that process.

Before you perform the build and deploy steps you also need to prepare supplementary materials, such as screenshots, and make certain decisions about your app, such whether it is free or paid. Some preparation in advance will save you time and effort when you are filling in the online forms.

This chapter assumes that you can get your app to the point where you are happy with the quality, and where it is usable by others (you have conducted at least informal usability tests, right?). An assumption is also made that you have spent some time optimizing the code for performance. This is something that you will have to do with all hybrid apps, because it is easy to introduce glitches and pauses in the app user interface if you are not careful with your HTML and JavaScript code.

The tonvo app from Chapter 12 is used as an example in this chapter. It has been submitted to ...

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