© Ben Brumm 2019
Ben BrummBeginning Oracle SQL for Oracle Database 18chttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4430-2_17

17. Updating or Deleting a Table

Ben Brumm1 
Melbourne, VIC, Australia
You’ve learned how to work with tables and data in the last few chapters. Specifically, you’ve learned how to:
  • Create a table

  • Add data to a table

  • Update data in a table

  • Delete data from a table

There are two more operations relating to tables that you’ll learn about: how to update the structure of a table, and how to delete a table.

Why Update the Structure of a Table?

In SQL, you can update the structure of your table. This means you can add or remove columns, rename columns, rename tables, change data types of columns, and more. Why would you want to do this? There ...

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