Chapter 15

Creating a Note-Taking Application


  • Designing the application
  • Building the application

Throughout the previous 14 chapters, you’ve learned a great deal about PhoneGap and what it can do. You’ve successfully navigated information about the device; figured out how to use the compass, accelerometer, and geolocation services; learned how to use the camera, video camera, and audio recorder to capture information; and learned how to store that information in the database. Furthermore, you learned about the filesystem, and can work with the contacts database.

In this chapter, you apply what you’ve learned to create a simple (but useful) note-taking application. Before doing anything else, though, let’s first spend some time outlining what this application should do.


The note-taking application you create in this chapter is pretty straightforward, but it has a lot of moving parts that need to work together. The idea behind the application is to be able to capture information in whatever format (photographically, for example, or with an audio recorder), and then send the captured information somewhere for later retrieval.

From the user’s perspective, the note taking might involve the following:

  • Taking a picture of something.
  • Recording a snippet of audio.
  • Recording some video.
  • Writing down some notes using the device’s keyboard.

Once a note has been taken, the user should be allowed to add some metadata (a title ...

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