© Matt Wiley, Joshua F. Wiley 2020
M. Wiley, J. F. WileyBeginning R 4 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6053-1_13

13. Analysis of Variance

Matt Wiley1  and Joshua F. Wiley2
Victoria College, Victoria, TX, USA
Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

The penguins you have been studying live on three different islands. We initially explored the Adelie penguins of Biscoe Island – and compared them to all Adelie penguins. However, that method might be a trifle flawed. What we really want to do is measure the average weight of each island’s Adelie penguins – and see if any three of the islands are not like the rest. Such a test – measuring the change or variance between groups – is called analysis of ...

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