© Matt Wiley, Joshua F. Wiley 2020
M. Wiley, J. F. WileyBeginning R 4 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6053-1_9

9. Confidence Intervals

Matt Wiley1  and Joshua F. Wiley2
Victoria College, Victoria, TX, USA
Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

How sure are we in our regression models from Chapter 8? For that matter, how confident are you a sample mean statistic is a good estimate of the population mean parameter? How might we build in some “wiggle room” into such estimates to consistently convey the level of accuracy that might be expected?

Most likely, you have seen an estimate given with a single number, followed by a plus or minus quantity. The single-number estimate is called a point estimate ...

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