Chapter 9
Manipulating Data and Extracting Components
What You Will Learn in this Chapter:
- How to create data frames and matrix objects ready for complex analyses
- How to create or set factor data
- How to add rows and columns to data objects
- How to use simple summary commands to extract column or row information
- How to extract summary statistics from complex data objects
The world can be a complicated place, and the data you have can also be correspondingly complicated. You saw in the previous chapter how to use analysis of variance (ANOVA) via the aov() command to help make sense of complicated data. This chapter builds on this knowledge by walking you through the process of creating data objects prior to carrying out a complicated analysis.
This chapter has two main themes. To start, you look at ways to create and manipulate data to produce the objects you require to carry out these complex analyses. Later in the chapter you look at methods to extract the various components of a complicated data object. You have seen some of these commands before and others are new.
Creating Data for Complex Analysis
To begin with, you need to have some data to work on. You can construct your data in a spreadsheet and have it ready for analysis in R, or you may have to construct the data from various separate elements. This section covers the latter scenario.
When you need to carry out a complex analysis, the likelihood is that you will have to make a complex data object. The more complicated ...
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