© Jeff Cicolani 2021
J. CicolaniBeginning Robotics with Raspberry Pi and Arduinohttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6891-9_5

5. Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Jeff Cicolani1  
Pflugerville, TX, USA

In Chapter 4, we used the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi to interact with an LED and an ultrasonic sensor. Many times, this is enough to do what you want to do. However, I also discussed some of the shortcomings of the Raspberry Pi GPIO and the likely need to expand the capabilities of the Pi in order to overcome these shortcomings.

In this chapter, we introduce a microcontroller to our robot. A microcontroller is a device, usually in chip form, designed to work directly with other components through input and output pins. Each pin is attached to the microcontroller’s ...

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