Chapter 18

Building Solutions in SharePoint


  • Combining techniques to build a single solution
  • Planning for successful projects
  • Planning for user adoption

The goal of this book is to provide you with experience using the tools and features of SharePoint to develop powerful, no-code business solutions. This chapter reviews some of the issues to consider as you build different composite solutions within your environment. You see how to combine the various concepts and techniques discussed in previous chapters to build powerful solutions that can bring great impact to your organization.


Composite solutions combine multiple items to create a single solution. Within SharePoint, composite solutions are the primary way that you can bring value to the organization. For example, consider a standard SharePoint list. Alone, a list is a powerful feature that enables you to track data points, but when combined with Web Parts, pages, and connected Web Parts, it enables you not only to provide data to users, but to give them a level of context to the data that may not have been as easily available if you were just considering the task list by itself. Composite solutions range from very simple to very complex and can be created in no-code scenarios as well as used with custom development. This range of availability is a great feature because it enables you to build unique solutions that best match your organization’s specific needs. ...

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