© Joseph B. Ottinger and Andrew Lombardi 2019
J. B. Ottinger, A. LombardiBeginning Spring 5https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4486-9_5

5. Spring and Jakarta EE

Joseph B. Ottinger1  and Andrew Lombardi2
Laguna Beach, CA, USA

Spring can certainly be used in a standalone environment, but the most common environment for Spring has historically been in an enterprise environment, powering web applications and backend services in a managed server. This chapter will demonstrate some aspects of integration in a Jakarta EE container (formerly known as Java EE, or J2EE, or maybe even just “Tomcat” depending on your level of exposure, currency, and experience).

This chapter also introduces submodules to our projects, as well as intermodule ...

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