Appendix E. Generated T-SQL for the Car Model Example
The following listing is the generated T-SQL code for the CarTypeExample
M code shown in Figure 5-10 in Chapter 5.
set xact_abort on; go begin transaction; go set ansi_nulls on; go if not exists ( select * from [sys].[schemas] where [name] = N'CarTypeExample' ) execute [sp_executesql] N'create schema [CarTypeExample]'; go if not exists ( select * from [sys].[schemas] where [name] = N'EngineModule' ) execute [sp_executesql] N'create schema [EngineModule]'; go if not exists ( select * from [sys].[schemas] where [name] = N'$MRuntime.CarTypeExample' ) execute [sp_executesql] N'create schema [$MRuntime.CarTypeExample]'; go if not exists ( select * from [sys].[schemas] where [name] = N'$MRuntime.EngineModule' ...
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