© James Goodwill and Wesley Matlock 2017

James Goodwill and Wesley Matlock, Beginning Swift Games Development for iOS, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2310-9_10

10. Creating Your First SceneKit Project

James Goodwill and Wesley Matlock2

(1)Highlands Ranch, Colorado, USA

(2)Kansas City, Missouri, USA

In this chapter, you will dive right in and create your own game. For this game you’ll make an homage to the classic Wolfenstein 3D game. First you’ll learn how to programmatically create a scene and add nodes into the scene. After you have a basic understanding of these principles, you’ll learn how to use the powerful SceneKit Editor in later chapters.

SceneKit Primer

SceneKit is Apple’s powerful 3D graphics framework that makes creating casual 3D games simple. By ...

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