© Kishan Takoordyal 2020
K. TakoordyalBeginning Unity Android Game Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6002-9_5

5. Building Our First Android Game: Sphere Shooter

Kishan Takoordyal1 
Eau Coulee, Mauritius

That’s it, we’re now ready to build an actual 3D mobile game in Unity! In this chapter, we’re going to make a simple game. Basically, our game character will be a cube with a turret (we’ll be calling this a tank). Using two joysticks, a player can move the tank and fire bullets. Next, we’re going to make an enemy and spawn copies of it. Enemies will try to go in the same direction as the player’s tank, and the aim of the game will be to destroy them before they succeed.

5.1 Render Pipelines

The process of drawing graphics to the screen ...

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