Beginning Unix

Book description

  • Covering all aspects of the Unix operating system and assuming no prior knowledge of Unix, this book begins with the fundamentals and works from the ground up to some of the more advanced programming techniques

  • The authors provide a wealth of real-world experience with the Unix operating system, delivering actual examples while showing some of the common misconceptions and errors that new users make

  • Special emphasis is placed on the Apple Mac OS X environment as well as Linux, Solaris, and migrating from Windows to Unix

  • A unique conversion section of the book details specific advice and instructions for transitioning Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux users

  • Table of contents

    1. Cover Page
    2. Title Page
    3. Copyright
    4. About the Authors
    5. Credits
    6. Contents
    7. Acknowledgments
    8. Introduction
      1. Who Is This Book For?
      2. What Does This Book Cover?
      3. How This Book Is Structured
      4. What Do You Need to Use This Book?
      5. Conventions
      6. Source Code
      7. Errata
    9. 1: Unix Fundamentals
      1. Brief History
      2. Unix Versions
      3. Operating System Components
      4. Summary
    10. 2: First Steps
      1. System Startup
      2. Logging In and Out of Unix
      3. System Shutdown
      4. Getting Help with Man Pages
      5. Summary
    11. 3: Understanding Users and Groups
      1. Account Basics
      2. Managing Users and Groups
      3. Managing Accounts and Groups
      4. Becoming Another User
      5. User- and Group-Related Commands
      6. Summary
      7. Exercises
    12. 4: File System Concepts
      1. File System Basics
      2. Paths and Case
      3. Navigating the File System
      4. File Types
      5. Links
      6. File and Directory Permissions
      7. Changing Permissions
      8. Viewing Files
      9. Creating, Modifying, and Removing Files
      10. Basic File System Management
      11. Making File Systems Accessible
      12. Summary
      13. Exercise
    13. 5: Customize Your Working Environment
      1. Environment Variables
      2. Understanding the Path
      3. Choosing a Shell
      4. Configuring Your Shell
      5. Dynamic Shared Library Paths
      6. Summary
      7. Exercises
    14. 6: Unix Commands In-Depth
      1. Anatomy of a Command
      2. Finding Information about Commands
      3. Command Modification
      4. Working with Files and Directories
      5. Common File Manipulation Commands
      6. File Ownership and Permissions
      7. Maintaining File System Quotas
      8. Summary
      9. Exercise
    15. 7: Editing Files with Vi
      1. Using Vi
      2. Moving within a File
      3. Searching Files
      4. Exiting and Saving a File
      5. Editing Files
      6. Help!
      7. Versions of Vi
      8. Summary
      9. Exercises
    16. 8: Advanced Tools
      1. Regular Expressions and Metacharacters
      2. Using SFTP and FTP
      3. More Advanced Commands
      4. Summary
      5. Exercises
    17. 9: Advanced Unix Commands: Sed and AWK
      1. Sed
      2. AWK
      3. Programming with AWK
      4. Summary
      5. Exercises
    18. 10: Job Control and Process Management
      1. What Is a Process?
      2. Shell Scripts
      3. What Processes Are Running?
      4. System Processes
      5. Process Attributes
      6. Stopping Processes
      7. The top Command
      8. The /proc File System
      9. SETUID and SETGID
      10. Shell Job Control
      11. Summary
    19. 11: Running Programs at Specified Times
      1. System Clock
      2. Scheduling Commands to Run in the Future
      3. Summary
      4. Exercise
    20. 12: Security
      1. The Basics of Good Security
      2. Securing Your Unix System
      3. Limiting Administrative Access
      4. System Administration Preventive Tasks
      5. Summary
      6. Exercise
    21. 13: Basic Shell Scripting
      1. Commenting and Documenting Scripts
      2. Getting Down to It
      3. Flow Control
      4. Choosing a Shell for Scripting
      5. Summary
      6. Exercises
    22. 14: Advanced Shell Scripting
      1. Advanced Scripting Concepts
      2. Shell Functions
      3. Shell Security
      4. System Administration
      5. Summary
      6. Exercises
    23. 15: System Logging
      1. Log Files
      2. Introducing Syslogd
      3. Rotating Logs
      4. Monitoring System Logs
      5. Summary
      6. Exercises
    24. 16: Unix Networking
      1. TCP/IP
      2. Setting Up a Unix System for a TCP/IP Network
      3. Network Management Tools
      4. Summary
      5. Exercise
    25. 17: Perl Programming for Unix Automation
      1. Perl's Advantages
      2. Useful Perl Commands
      3. More Perl Code Examples
      4. Troubleshooting Perl Scripts
      5. Summary
      6. Exercises
    26. 18: Backup Tools
      1. Backup Basics
      2. Backup Commands
      3. Backup Suites
      4. Summary
      5. Exercise
    27. 19: Installing Software from Source Code
      1. Understanding Source Code
      2. Open Source Licensing
      3. Finding and Downloading Unix Software
      4. Building and Installing
      5. Introducing make, Makefiles, and make Targets
      6. Installation Techniques for Better Maintenance
      7. Troubleshooting Build Problems
      8. Precompiled Software Packages
      9. Summary
      10. Exercises
    28. 20: Conversion: Unix for Mac OS Users
      1. A Very Brief History of Mac OS X
      2. Differences between Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X
      3. Folders Are Directories Too
      4. Unix and Mac OS X/Mac OS 9 Command and GUI Equivalents
      5. Differences between Mac OS X and Other Unix Systems
      6. Summary
      7. Exercises
    29. 21: Conversion: Unix for Windows Users
      1. Structural Comparison
      2. Major Administrative Tools Comparisons
      3. Popular Programs Comparison
      4. Using Unix within Windows
      5. Using Windows within Unix
      6. Summary
    30. A: Answers
    31. B: Useful Unix Web Sites
      1. Unix Basics
      2. Unix History
      3. Unix Security
      4. Vendor Sites
      5. Software Resources
      6. Unix Magazines
      7. Unix News and General Information
      8. Fun Stuff
    32. Index

    Product information

    • Title: Beginning Unix
    • Author(s): Paul Love, Joe Merlino, Craig Zimmerman, Jeremy C. Reed, Paul Weinstein
    • Release date: April 2005
    • Publisher(s): Wrox
    • ISBN: 9780764579943