
Chapter 3

Exercise 1 Solution

  1. /etc/passwd. Holds information concerning the account name, user ID, group ID, home directory, and shell.
  2. /etc/shadow. Holds the encrypted password for the corresponding account name in /etc/passwd as well as password and account-aging information.
  3. /etc/group. Identifies the different groups available for accounts.

Exercise 2 Solution

# adduser -c "C Jane Doe " -d /export/home/jdoe -e 2005/05/31-f 10 -g employees
-G info_tech_1, info_tech_2, info_tech_5 -m -s /bin/ksh -u 1000 jdoe
# passwd jdoe
Changing password for user jdoe.
New UNIX password:
Retype UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Chapter 4

Exercise Solution

chmod 755 samplefile

Chapter 5

Exercise 1 Solution

PS1="[\d \u]$"

Exercise 2 Solution

Find the executable file for this program. Add its directory to the value of the PATH variable, as in PATH=$PATH:/newdirectory.

Exercise 3 Solution

Add the command to the appropriate run control file for your preferred shell.

Chapter 6

Exercise Solution

ls /home/k* | wc > k-users-files

Chapter 7

Exercise 1 Solution

If you press the Esc key twice, you know you are in command mode.

Exercise 2 Solution

In command mode, type either / computer or ? computer to search for the word computer moving forward or backward respectively. (Be sure to put a space before and after the “computer” string if you want to find only instances of the complete word.) To continue the search in the opposite direction, type ...

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