

+ (addition operator), 236

[a-z] (alphabet inside brackets), 153

<> (angle brackets), 113, 310

* (asterisk), 111, 151

@ (at sign), 360

\ (backslash), 146, 153

\> (backslash, greater than sign), 146

\< (backslash, less than sign), 146

{} (braces), 173

^ [] (caret before bracketed sequence), 152

:! (colon, exclamation point), 143

{} (curly bracket notation), 258259

/ (division operator), 236

$ (dollar sign), 152153, 306

.. (double dot), 86

“ (double quotes), 310

= (equal sign), 360

/ (forward slash), 54, 5556

> (greater than sign), 244245

# (hashmark character), 227228, 306

- (hyphen), 69

< (less than sign), 244245

* (multiplication operator), 236

[0-9] (numbers inside brackets), 154

. (period or dot), 62, 86, 150, 310

+= (plus, equal sign), 360

? (question mark), 111, 153

?= (question mark, equal sign), 360

#! (shebang), 182183, 230

[] (square brackets), 111, 150

[^] (square brackets with caret between), 151

- (subtraction operator), 236

∼ (tilde), 86, 127

| (vertical line character), 114, 245


absolute path, 56, 8586

access control

commands, scheduling (crontab), 208

group accounts, 30

one-time scheduling execution (at command), 211

services, 223224

user accounts, 30

accidental deletion, recovering from (restore command), 338340


commands, listed, 4041

group, 30, 38

managing (useradd command), 4143

removing unneeded, 221222

root, 29

system, 30

user, 30

acknowledgment number, 284

action, 270

addition operator (+), 236


absolute and relative ...

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