Source Materials

The following are the original academic publications for each chapter, to which I refer explicitly in the corresponding chapters.

Chapter 1. Persico, N.; Postlewaite, A.; Silverman, D.: (2004) The effect of adolescent experience on labor market outcomes: The case of height. Journal of Political Economy, 112: 1019–1051.
Chapter 2. Bagues, M.; Sylos‐Labini, M.; Zinovyeva, N.: (2017) Does the gender composition of scientific committees matter? American Economic Review, 107: 1207–1238.
Goldin, C.; Rouse, C.: (2000) Orchestrating impartiality: The impact of "blind" auditions on female musicians. American Economic Review, 90: 715–741.
Chapter 3. Bloom, N.; Liang, J.; Roberts, J.; Ying, Z. J.: (2015) Does working from home work? Evidence from a Chinese experiment. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130: 165–218.
Emanuel, N.; Harrington, E.: (2021) “Working” remotely? Selection, treatment and the market provision of remote work. Working Paper. Harvard University.
Chapter 4. Deming, D.: (2017) The growing importance of social skills in the labor market. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 132: 1593–1640.
Chapter 5. Gee, L. K.; Jones, J.; Burke, M.: (2017) Social networks and labor markets: How strong ties relate to job finding on Facebook's social network. Journal of Labor Economics, 35: 485–518.
Wheeler, L.; Garlick, R.; Johnson, E.; Shaw, P.; Gargano, M.: (2022) LinkedIn (to) job opportunities: Experimental evidence from job readiness training. American ...

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