No trumpets sound when the important
Destiny is made known silently.
I would argue th at all strategies are de fined by the decisions they
encompass. The trick here is not just in making superior decisi ons,
but also i n learning how to i denti fy, fr om the plethora of leadership
talent decisions that confront you at a ny moment, t hose few deci-
sions that shap e the events aroun d you. I am su re that as a com-
pany executive or CTO you may have recen tly fo und yoursel f
confronted with a num ber of diffi cult talent management deci-
Do I take a risk and promote t his st rong high-potent ial
manager into th at general manager posi tion, or backfill with the
other can didat e who has far greater experien ce, but less long-t erm
potential for a dvanc ement ?
Given the fact that I can onl y affo rd to send on e of my ten
managers to a special development work shop, who sh ould g o?
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68 B
Now that o ne of m y best people has s udden l y left her j ob,
do I backfill wi th an i ntern al candidate who has similar skills and
experience, or condu ct an external sea rch for someone with a to-
tally dif feren t prof ile?
Should I attempt to identif y individual succ essor s to key
positions, or develo p a pool of candida tes wh o could serve in a
variety of posi tions?
Which of t he leaders in my group have the strongest p oten-
tial to take on broade r resp onsib ilitie s within ou r comp any?
When faced with these types of tal ent management decisions,
talent st rateg ists a nd tac ticia ns emp loy ve ry dif feren t deci sion-
making styles. Tacticians tend to trea t each talent decision as an
isolated occurrence. The d ecisi on to launch a new l eader ship d e-
velopment prog ram or to fin d the b est candidate for a posi tion i s
made without referring bac k to the overall talent game plan. Th e
problem w ith t his approach is that, over time , the conseq uence s of
these isolated decisions may work against each other, producing a
talent strateg y that is fra gment ed and ineff ectiv e.
In contrast to t his, like th e best chess players, ta lent s trate gists
are able to think several st eps ahead in the ga me. They con sider
each decision within the ov erall conte xt of their overar ching strat -
egy and th e long-term pay-offs and pitfalls that are associate d with
alternative ch oices.
So how do talent strategists do this? In my exp erien ce, they
tend to employ s ix guidelin es to naviga te through extremely com-
plex talent management decisions:
Guid eline 1: Clearly Define Your Talen t
Management Objectives
I know that your overa ll goal is to stren gthen your leadership
bench, bu t take a minute to ask yourself a few questi ons th at can
help you more careful ly fra me thi s goal :
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