222 B
change wa ve tha t causes you to reexamin e the respect ive tradeoffs
associated with your current lea dership talent strateg y. Four exam-
ples of such changes a re pre sente d in Figure 1 1-1.
In these scenarios, the challenge you f ace is preventing the
change from graduall y sneaking up on yo u. To preven t this from
happening, you’ll ne ed to i denti fy those c hange in dicators that
begin to flag the need for change. Three such i ndicators are:
1. A gradual thinn ing ou t in the size and quality of you r talen t
pipeline (discoveri ng that, for the past four years, the numbe r of
nominations submitted for your high-p otent ial leaders hip p r ogram
have been decre asing at an average rate of 10 percent per y ear)
2. Encountering situations in whic h your organization is left
relatively unprepar ed to meet new organizational or environmental
changes (reali zing that, with a p ick-u p in the economy, it has be-
come more diffi cult t o retai n your best leaders)
3. A downward trend-line on your key performance m etr ics
(such as r eceiv ing a steady decrease in the as sessed quality of new
hires, as evaluated by ratings on their perfo rmanc e appraisals
twelve months after h ire)
Gaining Executive Alignm ent on Chan ges to
Regardless of w hich o f thes e two change scenarios s ignal the need
for a chan ge in y our own talent strategy , once you’ve determine d
that a shift in strate gy is i n orde r, you will need to work with your
senior te am to explor e the feasib ility of mak ing a strate gy shift.
The following n ine-p oint plan may prov e helpful in manag ing these
1. Provide y our senior team wi th a br ief review of the leader -
ship tale nt strategy that is currently in play and the bus iness
assumptions on which this strate gy was initially based.
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