224 B
2. Summarize some of the busin ess an d environme nt cha nges
that your organizati on is now fac ing that hav e forced you
to reasse ss this strategy. Ask yo ur senior team for their as-
sessment of the p erce ived i mpact of these changes on your
3. Provide y our team wit h a brief written outlin e of the
changes t hat you are p ropos ing to your current leadership
talent st rateg y and the respective tra de-of fs involved, e.g. ,
what your organizati on is likely to gain or lose by making
these changes.
4. Explain what changes to resources and talent infrastruc ture
may be needed to implement the p ro posed strategy shift.
This migh t incl ude an explanation of wh ether additional
staffing or funds m ay be needed, any sup port t hat yo u re-
quire from your senio r team , and a ny cha nges t o poli cies,
procedures, and exec utive compensation pro grams. At the
same time , provide yo ur team with a proposed timeli ne f or
implementing t hese c hange s.
5. Secure yo ur sen ior te am’s agreement that a ch ange to your
talent st rategy is warranted at this time, and that they a re
committed to securin g the resour ces and support needed to
make this chang e.
6. Discuss next-s tep actions that you’ll need to take over the
next few m onths to beg in to implement these ch anges . As
an exampl e, you may decide that yo ur organization needs
to m ake the tran sition from a strong Make /Foundati on
Strategy to one that w ill re ly heavily o n hiri ng best-in- indus -
try talent. In t his situation, one of you r first-step actions
may be to review your current relations hips w ith executive
recruiting firms to determine whether you need to revise
the scope of work or co ntrac t agreements for these firms.
At th e sam e time, you may need to determi ne whether t he
firms that h ave serve d you in the past are adequate to sup-
por t your future direction .
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