find out how the new job and location is m easur ing up to his expec-
4. Cultural Ignor ance. Ever y organizational cultur e has its
own unwritten s et of ru les and nor ms. Watch for sign als that y our
newly hir ed manager isn’t pickin g u p on these new c u ltural norm s
or m ay be having d iffi culty adapt ing to this new culture. Here y ou
may find it helpful to borrow some of the suggestions for obtaining
CTO alignment t hat ca n be fo und in Chapter 2.
5. ALackofSponsorship.A dangerous situation is whe n, aft er
several months on board, the newly hired manager is unable to
muster a strong degree of sponsor ship f or her actions. This prob-
lem shows up in a number of wa ys, includi ng the inabi lity to buil d
a strong business cas e for new ide as, having d iffic ulty gettin g on
senior managers’ sch edules, and being unable to build a convincing
business case t o sell new pro ject s. If you have concerns about this
issue, ask t he newly hired manager, ‘With whom, on o ur senior
team, do y ou feel that you’v e built stro ng, influential r elati on-
ships?’ Later on, ask these exec utive s to provide their feedb ack on
the manager.
6. Managers Who Ge nerat e ‘Heavy Wakes’ in Their Pat hs.
Strong leaders are sometimes brought into organizations to take
on t he roles of change agent s and innova tors. As a r esult, you can
always expect some de gree of complaining whenever a strong
leader is attempting to move people toward a t otall y new direction.
Therefore, if you beg in to hear co mplaints about th e new manag-
er’s leadership style, take the time to determine whether thes e com-
plaints are sim ply backgrou nd noise em anati ng from people who
are change-resistan t or ar e refl ectiv e of deficie ncies in the manag-
er’s leadershi p styl e.
The Five Warning Signs of a Bad Promotional Decision
Now let’s consider the case of tho se leaders who are promoted
into larger rol e s with disastrous effects. Quite o ften, such problems
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