234 B
of the key steps that we, as H R lead ers and line managers, can tak e
to increase the depth and ver satility o f our l eader ship teams.
1. Mic hael M. Lombardo and Rob ert W. Eichinger, Preventing
Derailment: What to D o Before It’s Too L ate. Center for Creative
Leadership (Gr eensb oro, N .C.: CCL Pre ss, 19 89).
2. Jea n Brittain L eslie and Ellen Van Velsor, A L ook at Derailment
Today: No rth America and Europe. Center for Creative Lea der-
ship (Greensbo ro, N. C.: CCL Pres s, 199 6).
3. Mic hael L ombar do, Ma rian R uderm an, an d Cynthia Mc -
Cauley, ‘‘Explanations of Success and Derailment in Upp er-
Level Manageme nt,’’ Journal of B usine ss and Psychology 2, 3
(1988): 199-21 6.
4. Mor gan McCall a nd M ic hael L ombar do, ‘‘Off the Track: How
and Why Successful Executives Get Dera iled,’’ Technical Re-
port No. 21 (Greensboro, N.C.: Ce nter for Creative Leadership,
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