ability, and leadership potential, 102
action learning programs, 96
advisors, criteria for choosing, 15–16
aspiration, and leadership potential,
assessment against competency mod-
els, 104–105
assessment centers, 105
ASSESS personality instrument
(Bigby Havis Consulting), 213
Battle of Agincourt, 8
Best-in-Industry Decision, 141, 142
Best-in-Industry Strategy
advantages, 143–144
defined, 141
vs. World-Class Strategy, 141, 142
weaknesses, 144–145
when to pursue, 141, 143
black holes, 55–57
‘‘bottom feeders’’
as drag on corporate performance,
managing deployment of, 169
poor talent decisions by, 166
Build-Out Decision, 72, 127, 128
Build-Out Strategy
advantages, 130
defined, 127, 129
vs. Trade-Up Strategy, 127, 128
weaknesses, 131–133
when to pursue, 129–130
PAGE 235
business change scenarios, 189, 190
adapting of talent strategy to, 198
mapping importance of, 197, 199
sample matrix, 196
to test talent readiness, 192–198
business development function, con-
current design in, 166, 168
business requirements, matched to
leadership competencies, 88–91
Buy Strategy
advantages, 85–86
weaknesses, 87–88
when to use, 82
Buy vs.MakeDecision,see Talent
Focus Decision
Capstone Decision. 72, 75, 93
Capstone Strategy
advantages, 100
effective leveraging of, 108
vs. Foundation Strategy, 94–95
underlying beliefs, 99
weaknesses, 101
when to pursue, 99–100
career development, performance met-
rics for, 207, 209, 210
Center for Creative Leadership
(CLC), 212
study on new managers, 88
360 Benchmark instrument, 213
change, see also business change sce-
indicators of, 222
................. 15735$ INDX 02-27-06 09:39:40 PS
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