‘outside-in’ approach, in talent man-
agement, 43–46
outsourcing, as organizational transi-
tion, 52–53
performance appraisals, 103
performance assessment, of future
changes, 50–51
performance metrics
aligned with talent management
goals, 207
as baseline for comparison, 205,
for career development, 207, 210
as key to effective talent manage-
ment, 203–204
as means of reinforcing perform-
ance, 205, 214–215
need for efficient measurement,
205, 209, 211–212
need for relevance, 204, 205,
for succession planning, 207, 208
personality assessment, 104
Personnel Decisions International
(PDI), 213
practical intelligence, 80
preemptive actions, 192
continuous hiring mode, 136
to improve size vs. quality, 126
preventing problems in, 184–185
selection cloning, 132
reduction-in-force (RIF), 33
red zones, 54–55
Renatus, Flavius Vegetius, 125
Right Associates, study on new manag-
ers, 88
Royal Philips Electronics, NV, transi-
tion points for leadership pool,
PAGE 239
sales director, sample evaluation of
leadership ability, 25–26
scenario matrix, 194
scenario planning, see also talent sce-
advantages, 186–189
for better decision making, 188
to improve awareness of trends, 189
to manage complexity, 187
to reduce risk level, 188
selection cloning, 132, 144–145
senior managers
creating ‘‘line of sight’ to junior
managers, 56–57, 97
role in talent management, 215–216
‘skip inter views,’’ 56
Society for Human Resource Manage-
ment (SHRM), 212
Sony Corporation, 148
Sorkin, Andrew Ross, 148
Southwest Airlines, fuel price strategy,
Stringer, Sir Howard, 148
succession planning, 10
performance metrics for, 207, 208
vs. replacement planning, 115
Sun Tzu, 1, 153
supportive actions, 192
tacit knowledge, 80
talent acquisition, see recruiting
Talent Acquisition Decision, 72, 75
talent capabilities assessment, 61–62
talent deployment
adopting a transition plan, 175–176
communicating the message,
concentration on ‘critical work
functions,’ 155–156
concurrent design in, 160–166
effectiveness assessment, 156–160
effect of organizational changes on,
................. 15735$ INDX 02-27-06 09:39:42 PS

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