#include <db_cxx.h> static int DbMpoolFile::open(DbEnv *env, const char *file, u_int32_t flags, int mode, size_t pagesize, DB_MPOOL_FINFO *finfop, DbMpoolFile **mpf);
The DbMpoolFile::open method opens a file in the pool specified by the DbEnv env, copying the DbMpoolFile pointer representing it into the memory location referenced by mpf.
The file argument is the name of the file to be opened. If file is NULL, a private temporary file is created that cannot be shared with any other process (although it may be shared with other threads).
The flags and mode arguments specify the way files will be opened and/or created if they do not already exist.
The flags value must be set to 0 or by bitwise inclusively OR’ing ...
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