
Numbers, Letters, and Symbols

∞ Infinity symbol on lens, 30

1:1 and 1:2 magnification (macro), 40

12-bit vs. 14-bit (sidebar), 116

2D vs. 3D look (Tip), 75, 82

256 levels in JPEG file, 111

256 steps in a histogram, 122

3-lens kit, see Three-lens kit

8-bit file formats (JPEG and TIFF), 112

A/M setting on lens, 29

A or Av – Aperture priority mode, 67, 77, 91, 95, 104–105

ft or feet marking on lens, 30

K or Kelvin color temperature, see Color temperature

K or Kelvin white balance setting, 132

M or Manual mode, 67, 77, 95, 105–107

M/A setting on lens, 29

mm or millimeter marking on lens, 30

MP, see Megapixels

P – Programmed auto mode, 103

PRE white balance, 133

RGB – color channels, 111, 116, 120, 128

S or Tv – Shutter priority mode, 67,

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