

Aberdeen Group, 43

Account management

best practices in, 213

strategic, 80, 202

Account teams

alignment with customer’s decision teams, 115116, 120

as customer information source, 1112

Actionable awareness, 94

as basis for past proven value development, 188

as basis for value differentiation, 142143, 148, 155156

definition of, 91

development of, 9193

Adaptation, in approach to customer, 206222

to customer’s changing needs, 211214

evaluation of effectiveness of, 221222

Adecco Staffing U.S., 159164

Advice, from sponsors, 146147

Advisors, trusted, 117, 119120

Advocates/advocacy, 38, 44, 62, 146

After the sale strategies, 175252

case studies of, 237252

strategy 9: meeting and exceeding customer expectations, 177191

strategy ...

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