8An Access Authorization Mechanism for Electronic Health Records of Blockchain to Sheathe Fragile Information
Sowjanya Naidu K.1 and Srinivasa L. Chakravarthy2*
1Department of CSE, Dr. L.B. College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, India
2Department of CSE, GIT, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, India
Block chain is a distributed, public ledger and the property of immutability is guaranteed by a peer-to-peer network of computers and not by any centralized authority. It consists of ordered records with hash, timestamps of recent transactions and hash of previous transactions. The immutability of the data stored is attracting the health-care sector to adopt the features of the block chain technology. The smart contract can be adopted as the vital role of the Block chain. According to the survey nearly 95 percent of the healthcare records are being victimized by some form of cyber attacks by various organizations [1].
This chapter focuses on maintaining the EHR in the block chain immutable ledger which allows the doctors to upload the patient records and also allows the patients to revoke the access rights to provide better security to the patient’s records. This work is beneficial to many stakeholders to carry better health services and provide security to the user’s rights of protecting the data [2]. An attempt has been made to design a framework for the individuals to access the data on the block chain. The frameworks propose a layered approach for accessing the data of ...
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