Chapter 24

Ten Great Big Data Resources

In This Chapter

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You will find lots of resources that can help you start making sense of the big data world. Standard organizations are tackling some of the key emerging issues with getting data resources to work together effectively. Open source offerings can help you experiment easily so that you can better understand what is possible with big data. Lots of big data conferences and research groups are out there. Of course, all the vendors in the market have research, white papers, and best practices that they are happy to share. In this chapter, we offer you some ideas of the resources that are out there to help you.

Hurwitz & Associates

The authors of this book are partners and associates at Hurwitz & Associates. We’re happy to help you with your questions about big data. We provide training, strategy guidance, blogs, and research services. If you’re a big data vendor, we can help you understand customer requirements so that you can position your company and offer products that will meet customer needs. We invite you to subscribe to our blogs and visit our website.

Standards ...

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