Chapter 1The Big Data Business Mandate
Having trouble getting your senior management team to understand the business potential of big data? Can't get your management leadership to consider big data to be something other than an IT science experiment? Are your line-of-business leaders unwilling to commit themselves to understanding how data and analytics can power their top initiatives?
If so, then this “Big Data Senior Executive Care Package” is for you!
And for a limited time, you get an unlimited license to share this care package with as many senior executives as you desire. But you must act NOW! Become the life of the company parties with your extensive knowledge of how new customer, product, and operational insights can guide your organization's value creation processes. And maybe, just maybe, get a promotion in the process!!
Big Data MBA Introduction
The days when business users and business management can relinquish control of data and analytics to IT are over, or at least for organizations that want to survive beyond the immediate term. The big data discussion now needs to focus on how organizations can couple new sources of customer, product, and operational data with advanced analytics (data science) to power their key business processes and elevate their business models. Organizations need to understand that they do not need a big data strategy as much ...
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