© Raul Estrada and Isaac Ruiz 2016

Raul Estrada and Isaac Ruiz, Big Data SMACK, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2175-4_3

3. The Language: Scala

Raul Estrada and Isaac Ruiz1

(1)Mexico City, Mexico

The main part of the SMACK stack is Spark, but sometimes the S is for Scala. You can develop in Spark in four languages: Java, Scala, Python, and R. Because Apache Spark is written in Scala, and this book is focused on streaming architecture, we are going to show examples in only the Scala language.

Other Apache Spark books present their examples in the four languages, but for the SMACK stack , simply discussing Scala is enough to develop a robust streaming pipeline. It is important to mention that all the Java programs run in Scala.

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