Annotated Bibliography

These citations are all excellent and recommended for more details than were possible to include in this book. Book recommendations forming a color‐science library are listed separately.

Adams, E.Q. (1942). X‐Z planes in the 1931 I.C.I. (CIE) system of colorimetry. Journal of the Optical Society of America 32: 168–173.

Adams was the first to derive an opponent‐type color space from tristimulus values. This was the basis for later work with Nickerson, ultimately resulting in CIELAB.

Albers, J. (1963). Interaction of Color. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

The “Interaction of Color” is available in several forms including an interactive version where colors can be moved to demonstrate how the juxtaposition of colors affects perception. This and Itten's “Elements of Color” are considered landmarks in color design.

Allen, E. (1980). Colorant formulation and shading. In: Optical Radiation Measurements: Color Measurement, vol. 2 (ed. F. Grum and C.J. Bartleson), 290–336. New York: Academic Press.

Allen was the first to publish color‐formulation algorithms using single‐ and two‐constant Kubelka–Munk theory. The chapter summarizes these articles and explains Kubelka–Munk theory and Bouguer–Beer's law. The chapter is very well written and insightful.

Allen, E. and Yuhas, B. (1984). Setting up acceptability tolerances: a case study. Color Research & Application 9: 37–48.

This article describes how three‐dimensional confidence ellipsoids are derived. This paper ...

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