9Brain Tumor Analysis Using Deep Learning: Sensor and IoT-Based Approach for Futuristic Healthcare
Rohit Rastogi1*, D.K. Chaturvedi2, Sheelu Sagar3, Neeti Tandon4 and Akshit Rajan Rastogi1
1Department of CSE, ABES Engineering College Ghaziabad, U.P., India
2Department of Electrical Engineering, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Agra, India
3Amity International Business School, Amity University, Noida, U.P., India
4Vikram University, Ujjain, M.P, India
One of the biggest problems in the quantitative evaluation of brain tumor treatment is finding the tumor type. The ambiguous magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) imaging strategy is currently the best classroom analysis tool for radiation-free brain tumors. Studies have shown that attractive imaging (MRI) features of different brain tumors can be used recently to make correction decisions. The manual part of a brain tumor to identify malignant growth is a tedious, tedious, and tedious task of teaching MRI clinical images. Recently, programming sections that use deep learning strategies are imaginative projects. These techniques yield the best results in the classroom and are easier to perform than other access methods. The ultimate goal of this investment is to use MRI images of the framed brain to create deep neural system models that can be isolated between different types of heart tumors. CNN is an iterative architecture that uses circular filters to perform complex operations in recent years. Precision is used as the basis ...
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