CPG-Based Control of Serpentine Locomotion of a Snake-Like Robot
Xiaodong Wu and Shugen Ma
Ritsumeikan University Shiga, Japan
2.2 CPG Models for Generation of Rhythmic Motion
2.3 CPG Network for Control of a Snake-Like Robot
2.3.1 CPG Network with Feedback Connection
2.3.2 Analysis of a CPG Network
2.4 CPG-Controlled Snake-Like Robot
2.4.1 Control of the Locomotion Curvature
2.4.2 Control of the Locomotion Speed
2.4.3 Control of the Number of S-Shapes
2.4.4 Control of the Turning Motion
A biomimetic approach is proposed to solve the difficulty in controlling a snake-like robot with a large number of degrees of freedom This method ...
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