Classification of Hand Motion Using Surface EMG Signals


Xueyan Tang, Yunhui Liu, Congyi Lu, and Weilun Poon

Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong, China


12.1 Introduction

12.2 System Configuration

12.2.1 Multichannel sEMG Sensor Ring

12.2.2 sEMG Signal Preprocessing

12.3 Classification of Hand Movements

12.3.1 Automatic Relocation of sEMG Electrodes

12.3.2 Feature Extraction from Multiple Channels

12.4 Identification of Movement Force and Speed

12.4.1 STFT Method

12.4.2 Features Based on STFT

12.4.3 Experimental Results

12.5 Summary



The human hand has multiple degrees of freedom (DOFs) to achieve high dexterity. Identifying the five-finger movements using surface elec-tromyography (sEMG) is challenging ...

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