3.4. Doubly-Stochastic EM

This section presents an EM-based algorithm for problems that possesses partial data with multiple clusters. The algorithm is referred to as as a doubly-stochastic EM. To facilitate the derivation, adopt the following notations:

  • X = {xtRD; t = 1,..., T } is a sequence of partial-data.

  • Z = {ztC; t = 1, . . . , T} is the set of hidden-states.

  • C = {C(1), . . . ,C(J)}, where J is the number of hidden-states.

  • Г =(1)), . . . , γ(K)} is the set of values that xt can attain, where K is the number of possible values for xt.

Also define two sets of indicator variables as:


Using these notations and those defined in

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