14Next Steps

Everything you have learned up to this point has provided you with a foundation for basic Python concepts. So, what is next? Before you move forward with creating your own Python programs, discover additional tools available to help you create and manage your Python projects!

Python Libraries

Modules provide you with the ability to do more with Python by importing modules created by other Python programmers. The website PyPI.org provides what are known as packages available for you to install and import into your personal programs. A package is a collection of Python modules.

When using packages from the Python community, you must first install the package using PIP. PIP is a package manager for Python packages. You can check whether PIP is installed on your computer by typing the command pip --version into the terminal. If PIP is not installed, you can download and install it from pypi.org/project/pip.

If PIP is installed on your computer, you can install a package using the command pip install package. Replace package with the name of the package to be installed (for example, pip install emoji). To use the functions and variables within a package, follow the same steps introduced in Chapter 13, “Modules.”

Let's try the library Matplotlib! Matplotlib is a library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python. We'll create a line plot of a few coordinates on a line. You can view documentation for Matplotlib by visiting matplotlib.org ...

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