© Agustín Mántaras 2019
Agustín MántarasBizTalk Server 2016 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3994-0_1

1. Revealing the Black Box

Agustín Mántaras1 
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Most of the people who start their journey with BizTalk Server are usually not aware of how BizTalk Server receives, process, and sends messages. They instinctively believe that it is something that just happens, driven by a mysterious hidden force. While at the beginning this can be something even pleasant, when you deploy a solution to production and problems arise, troubleshooting BizTalk Server without knowing how the engine works can create confusion, delays, and in the worst of the scenarios, frustration. During my career as a premier field engineer, I have assisted ...

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