Sample Configuration to Deploy with Application Center 2000
The code in Listing 23.3 creates a BizTalk server configuration with a custom counter, two ports, two receive functions, and a virtual directory, which is used by one of the ports and the receive functions. To deploy the configuration, use the command file in Listing 23.2.
Listing 23.3. Sample BizTalk Configuration
Const HTTPTType_File = 1 Const ADMIN_PROTOCOL_TYPE_FILE = 1 Const HTTP = 3 Const RECVSVC_NAMESPACE = "MicrosoftBizTalkServer_ReceiveFunction" Const SERVER_NAMESPACE = "MicrosoftBizTalkServer_SERVER" Const wbemChangeFlagCreateOnly = 2 Dim strServerName, strGroupName Dim g_objService, l_bAdminUtilInitialized Dim sPath, BT Dim org, doc, env, port, chan, dl Function GetEnvVar(strName) ... |
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