Appendix PITU, ISO and Internet country codes
Table App.P.1 ITU, ISO and Internet country codes
Country | Country Code | |||
ITU | ISO-2 | ISO-3 | Internet | |
Afghanistan | AFG | AF | AFG | .af |
Alaska | ALS | - | - | - |
Albania | ALB | AL | ALB | .al |
Algeria | ALG | DZ | DZA | .dz |
Andorra | AND | AD | AND | .ad |
Angola | AGL | AO | AGO | .ao |
Anguilla | ANG | AI | AIA | .ai |
Antarctica | ANT | AQ | ATA | .aq |
Antigua and Barbuda | ATG | AG | ATG | .ag |
Antilles (The Netherlands) | ATN | AN | ANT | .an |
Argentina | ARG | AR | ARG | .ar |
Armenia | ARM | AM | ARM | .am |
Aruba | ARU | AW | ABW | .aw |
Ascension Island | ASC | - | - | .ac |
Australia | AUS | AU | AUS | .au |
Austria | AUT | AT | AUT | .at |
Azerbaijan | AZE | AZ | AZE | .az |
Azores | AZR | - | - | - |
Bahamas | BAH | BS | BHS | .bs |
Bahrain | BHR | BH | BHR | .bh |
Bangladesh | BGD | BD | BGD | .bd |
Barbados | BRB | BB | BRB | .bb |
Belarus ... |
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