Chapter 2. Security and Compliance
In This Chapter
Useful IT policy settings for most environments
Methods for archiving e-mail, SMS, and PIN messages sent via BlackBerry
If you've owned your own BlackBerry and are attaching it to the enterprise for the first time, you're in for a rude awakening. Although the BES allows you all the convenience of accessing your work-related e-mails, applications, and documents, all this access comes at a price— security.
The BlackBerry platform is built around security and offers many options to meet the demands of a secure and compliant messaging environment. Using BlackBerry Mana ger, which is part of BES, your IT professional can go hog- wild assigning security policies that limit your use of BlackBerry apps, third-party apps, and other special configurations that you've become accustomed to.
In this chapter, you'll find out what an IT policy is, how your IT manager might be using it, and explore some of the groups that IT policy options are divided into. You also find options for BlackBerry e-mail archiving and SMS and PIN logging. If you're the tech geek in the windowless room who is in charge of maintaining the BES on your company's enterprise, we have some tips for you, too.
IT policies are also categorized into groups, called policy groups.
Protecting Yourself and Your Company
Before we get into the nitty-gritty about security settings, configurations, and whatnot, you should understand a few general principles. Using your BlackBerry in an enterprise ...
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