Chapter 1. Your BlackBerry Is Not an Edible Fruit

In This Chapter

  • A berry, berry long time ago

  • Checking out your BlackBerry behind the scenes

  • Seeing what your BlackBerry can do

  • Meeting and greeting your BlackBerry

  • Not sweating the minor stuff

Because you're reading this book, you probably have a BlackBerry (um, and we're pretty sure that you're not eating it). We're just curious, though — what actually convinced you to buy this particular handheld mobile device? Was it the always‐connected e‐mail? Or the wireless calendar sync? Was it the QWERTY keyboard? Or was it the really good sales pitch? We know; the list could go on and on — and we might never hit on the exact reason why you got yours. In fact, for some of you, your company simply handed you one. For whichever reason you bought or acquired your BlackBerry, congratulations; you made an intelligent choice.

The same smarts that made you buy or obtain your BlackBerry are clearly at it again. This time, your native intelligence led you to pick up this book, perhaps because your intuition is telling you that there's more to this BlackBerry than meets the eye.

Your hunch is right. Your BlackBerry can help you do more things than you could ever think of. For example, your BlackBerry is a whiz at making phone calls, but it's also a computer that you can use to check your e‐mail and surf the Web. We're talking World Wide Web here, so the sky's the limit. Help is always at your fingertips rather than sitting on some desk at home or at the office. ...

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