

accessibility of learning resources, 1–2, 50

accountability for your own success, 158, 168–169

adult learners, characteristics of, 35–39

advantages of blended learning, 1–2, 153–155

Alexander, Bryan, 174

alignment, 60–61

assessing. See also evaluation

engagement, 5, 11, 128–131, 148

the facilitator, 126–127, 146

the learner, 128, 147

learning transfer, 131

previous blended learning experiences, 3, 12–13, 26

the producer, 127, 146

authenticity of the learning environment, 40, 42, 66–67, 130–132


Baker, Katrina, 44–45, 51

Banner, Phylise, 98, 104–105

behavior, engagement’s effect on learner, 128

Bersin, Josh, 175

blended learning

advantages of, 1–2, 153–155

assessing previous experiences, 3, 12–13, 26

campaign design, 2, 3–4

campaign evaluation, ...

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